Electrical Mobile Shelving AEX
Automatically lock and release shelves by detecting people and objects in the aisle with sensors.

Electrical Mobile Shelving AEX (Front panel:laminated cypress)
Converting a "storage space" into a "learning space" by improving storage efficiency, which is the biggest advantage of the mobile shelf

wall-mounted bookshelf
The upper two shelves are inclined sliding shelves
Preventing books from falling in the event of an earthquake will help prevent injuries and secure an evacuation route.

wall-mounted bookshelf
The upper two shelves are inclined sliding shelves
Preventing books from falling in the event of an earthquake will help prevent injuries and secure an evacuation route.

Miyakonojyo City Library
Kyushu University Library New Central Library
Kyushu Gakuin Lutheran Junior High School
Tohoku High School Komatsujima Campus Library
Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Library
Takizawa City Kozan Library
Honjo City Library
Kindai University Academic Theater
University of Kochi Eikokuji Library
Nihon University College of Economics Library
Seinan Gakuin University Library
Kaohsiung Public Library_Taiwan
University Library_Singapore_Singapore