Number of container: 36,090 pcs
Number of books stored: 1,546,720 books
Station: 2 places ( 2nd, 3rd Floor)

Center Locking system
When locked, the center part flashed red,
so visibility is high.*Option

Seismic Specification
Designed not to be damaged or deformed against an earthquake of seismic intensity 6.

Passageway safety devices "Mechanical Stopper"
If toes or an obstacle touche this large carriage safety bar, the mobile shelf will stop safely.

For storing storage boxes
Effective depth 555mm.
To save the materials in the storage box.
Deliverd date: 2018
Deliverd items: ASRS BOOK ROBO, Mechanical Mobile Shelving AKZ, Interior of Rare Book Depository, Microfilm Depository
Number of storage books 3,500,000 books
Address/ 744 Motooka, Nishi-Ku, Fukuoka
URL: https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ja
Deliverd items: ASRS BOOK ROBO, Mechanical Mobile Shelving AKZ, Interior of Rare Book Depository, Microfilm Depository
Number of storage books 3,500,000 books
Address/ 744 Motooka, Nishi-Ku, Fukuoka
URL: https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ja

Miyakonojyo City Library
Kyushu University Library New Central Library
Kyushu Gakuin Lutheran Junior High School
Tohoku High School Komatsujima Campus Library
Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Library
Takizawa City Kozan Library
Honjo City Library
Kindai University Academic Theater
University of Kochi Eikokuji Library
Nihon University College of Economics Library
Seinan Gakuin University Library
Kaohsiung Public Library_Taiwan
University Library_Singapore_Singapore
Featured Product
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems "BOOK ROBO"